1918 Plus
1918 Plus is the same formulation as 1918 but with the addition on Olive Leaf Extract. This addition makes the formula slightly stronger and anyone taking 1918 Plus should take care to start out slowly so as not to have a herxheimer reaction . We would recommend 1 capsule every other day for one week then 1 capsule per day. If a herxheimer reaction occurs, stop taking 1918 plus until all symptoms have gone away then resume taking 1 capsule every other day for one week then 1 capsule per day.
1918 Plus should also be taken separately from React or any other pro-biotic.
Supplemental Information For 1918 Plus:
If you are just starting your supplement program or are beginning to take 1918 Plus, please follow these precautions.
We advise anyone just starting 1918 Plus to take only 1 capsule per day, every other day for 1 week, regardless of the dosage instructions on the bottle or in your hair analysis supplement program. After the first week the dosage can be increased to 1 capsule per day for 1 week regardless of the dosage instructions on the bottle or in your hair analysis supplement program.
If you have worked up to 2- 3 capsules per day dosage with no Herxheimer reaction, you may continue at that dosage as long as you feel it necessary or are otherwise directed in your hair analysis program. Please keep in mind that this product should not be taken while on any prescriptive anti-biotic and will need to be separated from any pro-biotic (React) by at least 1 hour.
For more information on Herxheimer reaction, please go to www.forperfectbalance.com and look in the “Specific Health Topics” section. Please feel free to call us toll free at (888) 262-5903 or e-mail us at info@forperfectbalance.com if you have any other questions regarding 1918.
Supplement Info:

Virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc. all need a host and that host must be acidic. Perfect Balance after many years of research has discovered the reason for failures of the past by science. It is the delivery system by which pH changing carbonates are stored within our tissues. Up to this time the only guaranteed method for tissue storage of carbonates has been by intravenous application. Almost 100% of all carbonates ingested orally are lost to stomach acids.
Now, through a patent pending technology, Perfect Balance has an oral product which replaces carbonates with almost no loss. Body pH will begin normalizing. Pathogens which live under acid conditions will give up and leave as you are no longer a suitable host thus allowing the immune system to pay attention to more important issues. Day after day you can offset acids you take in through diet and gain ground in becoming alkaline. Alk-Align can also be taken in conjunction with pHenomenal.
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 90
Proprietary Blend: 1600mg*
Sodium Bicarbonate
Potassium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Carbonate
Other ingredients:
Gelatin, Methacrylate, Polymers, Magnesium Stearate
*Daily value not established
Supplement Info:

Dietary supplement formula
Copper plays such a vital role in the human life cycle that with both too much and too little we die. It controls our libido and yet with abundance we lose our libido. It also plays a part in impotency and fertility. It works in synergy with our thyroid. It is active in how oxygen gets into our cells. Knowing the above it is easy to see how over 500 diseases are associated with either a deficiency or a toxicity of this mineral.
Supplement Info:

Dietary Supplement Formula
All people need potassium. Potassium excites our production of energy and it stimulates our thyroid. However too much and we get wired, we can’t sleep and we even get depressed. By knowing what your tissue balance is along with your body weight, we can accurately recommend an amount of potassium needed for proper energy levels and function.
Supplement Info:

Generate is an anti-oxidant, anti-ageing, immune enhancer and oxygenator. Most people notice a difference in their hair, skin and nails when taking it on a daily basis. It’s a “Head Amine” which is a precursor to the building of amino acids which are vitally important in brain function as well as cellular function. It’s also very good to take before a workout as it enhances oxygenation of the red blood cells providing both and increased amount of energy as well as getting increased oxygen to your muscles.
Supplement Info:
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Usage: 2 Capsules Daily

Dietary Supplement Formula
Hydrade is primarily comprised of vitamin B-6 with all of its synergists. It is scattered all through your supplement program. Certain toxicities can cause nausea when they are removed and B-6 lowers or eliminates this. It is also very helpful with morning sickness during pregnancy.
Supplement Info:

Dietary Supplement Formula
Hydralēv is recommended if you have either an unusually high sodium level or a high Na/K ratio. The all-natural ingredients in Hydralēv help remove the excess sodium inside the cell, rather than in the blood thus getting at the cause of the imbalance.
Supplement Info:

Impact contains the active ingredient pangamic acid as a calcium salt. It is found in the hulls of rice and other grains that we so diligently polish away. This ingredient helps to transfer oxygen into our cells thus helping us to make energy better and to detoxify easier. It reduces lactic acid drastically to relieve the soreness of overworked muscles. Most of all, if you have aluminum toxicity it helps your memory function like it used to. Highly recommended for A.D.D & A.D.H.D. children as well as those with Alzheimer's disease.
Supplement Info:

Dietary Supplement Formula
InnerG is recommended for anyone who has a low Na/K ratio or is suffering from fatigue. InnerG helps provide more physical energy so the ratio of adrenal or physical energy vs. thyroid or mental energy is normalized. This also helps alleviate depression in some people, but a hair analysis is necessary to determine if this product is right for you.
Supplement Info:
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Usage: 1 - 2 Capsules Daily

Dietary Supplement Formula
Orasal contains the Salicinium molecule. Orasal has all natural concentrated nutrimental ingredients. It is recommended for use against any disorder involving fermenting or anaerobic cells.
The Salicinium molecule interrupts the fermentation process thus enabling your own immune system to destroy those diseased cells. Orasal and the Salicinium molecule it contains are an immune system modulators.
**Pump included with every bottle sent**
Two bottles are needed for a one month supply. If you have any questions, please send them to info@forperfectbalance.com or give our office a call.
Supplement Info:
Quantity: 10.5 OZ (~310 mL)
Usage: 10 mL, (5 pumps), Twice Daily

“pH” means “The Potential of Hydrogen” and it is simply a measure of the alkalinity or acidity of a substance. pHenomenal is a high pH water concentrate. By removing Hydrogen from the actual water molecule you get reduced water. Drinking the concentrate will raise your pH to an alkaline level by removing uric and lactic acid from your tissues. Mix 1 to 1 ounce of concentrate into 1 liter or quart of water. Drink two liters of the mixture throughout the day. Distilled or reverse osmosis is the best water to mix with pHenomenal.
We recommend that you start first thing in the morning drinking the water before breakfast or 30 minutes away from all meals. Since your stomach will produce more acid, your body will raise your pH to compensate. Phenomenal will stop stomach burn based on the same principle.
It is also very effective in treating GERD, Gout, Staph infections and MERSA, the flesh eating bacteria.
pHenomenal can also be taken with Alk-Align as one removes acid and the other supplies alkaline properties.
Supplement Info:
Quantity: 32 Ounce Bottle (2)
Usage: 2 ounces daily

Dietary Supplement Formula
React does exactly what the name implies; it causes an immune reaction by stimulating your immune system. React will replace you own immune globulins. It is recommended for anyone who is fighting a chronic inflammation or infection, or you can take it on a daily basis as a preventative measure. The enzymes and good bacteria are beneficial for you digestion and immune function.
Supplement Info:

Dietary Supplement Formula
Zinc is the very cornerstone of our immune system. However, it is lost under stress and as we age we generally have lower amounts of zinc in storage. This is one of the reasons why men begin to suffer prostate problems around the same age. Certain types of hypertension are allowed by a zinc deficiency. If we take too much zinc we will lower adrenal function causing fatigue. It is also a major detoxifying agent for heavy metals.
Supplement Info:

Dietary Supplement Formula
Sterling is a strong B vitamin used to help provide energy while a person is detoxifying heavy metals or rebuilding deficient levels of nutrient minerals. This is a great product and is suitable for most everyone.
Supplement Info:

Dietary Supplement Formula
Science has never found a way to measure the magnesium stores in our bodies. It is such a sensitive molecule in nature that most of it is lost when we process and prepare our foods. When we come under any kind of stress magnesium is the first molecule to be lost from out of our tissues and magnesium is key in elimination of heavy metals.
Support is the backbone of the hair analysis programs we recommend.
e has never found a way to measure the magnesium stores in our bodies. It is such a sensitive molecule in nature that most of it is lost when we process and prepare our foods. When we come under any kind of stress magnesium is the first molecule to be lost from out of our tissues and magnesium is key in elimination of heavy metals.
Support is the backbone of the hair analysis programs we recommend.
Supplement Info:

Book: Trace Elements & Other Essential Nutrients

Sample Collection Kit
Hair Analysis Sample collection kit.
The kits for the hair sample are free and we are happy to send out as many as you need.
The Hair Analysis test (lab work and included report with recommended program) is $80 USD.